About Us

Seattle Pride About us1


Plenty of nonprofits, corporations, and individuals offer support and advocacy to Seattle LGBTQIA+ persons. But many of us are focused on our own areas of expertise, rather than coming together as a large, influential community—which is causing a frustrating slow-down in the pace of change.

At Seattle Pride®, we understand the challenges facing the LGBTQIA+ community, and we're willing to do whatever it takes to bring us all together—LGBTQIA+ persons, allies, nonprofits, and corporations—in the relentless pursuit of equal human rights for all.

Our History

The first Seattle Pride Parade (a gathering of fewer than 200 people) took place in 1974, although it wasn’t officially recognized by the city. Just three years later, the Parade welcomed 2,000 attendees, and Seattle Mayor Wes Ulman declared the first “Gay Pride Week.” In 1992, the Seattle Pride festivities expanded to include bisexual and transgender identities (LGBT). Today, the Seattle Pride® Parade is one of the largest in the country, attracting an estimated 300,000 members of the LGBTQIA+ community, friends, and allies. The Parade provides our entire community an opportunity to celebrate the present, envision the future, and honor our past

Over the years, we’ve come to understand that Pride parades and other celebrations are crucial. But they’re not enough. We’re continually expanding our advocacy and allyship efforts year-round to promote diversity and inclusivity—and to call our community to action.

The mission of Seattle Pride is to produce and promote pride events to connect, strengthen, and advocate for Seattle’s LGBTQIA+ community.

Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors is composed entirely of volunteers. These extraordinary individuals are passionate about the LGBTQIA+ community and about bringing our mission to life.

President and Board Chair
Ramone Myers

Vice President
Alex Morgan

Claudia del Hierro



Jack Anderson

Dennis Denman

Ashley Gibson

Kassidy Haddix

Chris Jensen

Velvine Jobiese

Tiffany Nakamitsu

Our Team


See a full list of contacts here

Contact List


For questions regarding volunteering, programs, and donations, please email hello@seattlepride.org