Seattle Pride 2020 Grant & Sponsorship Recipents
Sep 24, 2020 | Seattle Pride
As COVID-19 continues to impact our community, many nonprofit organizations are feeling the pinch as they struggle to keep up with the growing need and diminishing funds.
Seattle Pride is hoping its latest round of community grants – totaling $30,000, will provide some much-needed assistance to the seven organizations which will share the funds.
“As the needs in our community – and the LGBTQIA+ community in particular – continue to grow, we want to do our part to help the recipient organizations which are contributing in such meaningful ways,” said Seattle Pride Executive Director Krystal Marx. “We celebrated Pride Month in June, but Seattle Pride’s work continues year-round in helping nonprofits across the region which are doing so much to assist those in the LGBTQIA+ community and to advance diversity, inclusivity and equal human rights for all.”
Twice each year Seattle Pride awards grants to charitable organizations which support the local LGBTQIA+ community, with nearly $150,000 donated since 2017. This summer’s community grant recipients include:
- LGBTQ Allyship ($5,000) – Builds power among LGBTQIA+ communities and allies statewide to work towards economic, racial and gender justice.
- Feeding el Pueblo Fund ($5,000) – Supports a GoFundMe community food drive to bring culturally relevant foods to South King County Latinx communities.
- National Film Festival for Talented Youth (NFFTY) ($3,500) – Encourages and acknowledges young artists working in media arts – promoting their accomplishments through festivals and programs, and celebrating their talent and the compelling stories they tell.
- Seattle Public Schools’ Our Students, Their Stories Project ($8,000) – Highlights the stories of LGBTQIA+ students across the district via a portrait storytelling book and photo exhibit.
- Three Dollar Bill Cinema ($5,000) – Strengthens, connects and reflects diverse communities through queer film and media.
- YWCA ($3,500) – Works to eliminate race- and gender-based disparities in housing, economic advancement and health.
“I’m so proud of the diversity of organizations and grassroots efforts that our grant program is supporting in this time of community need,” added Marx. “Our community has many faces, and we’re all in this together – including our extended family of supporters, funders and community partners.”
One longtime community partner – Sound Credit Union – was particularly helpful this year, enabling Seattle Pride to award its $5,000 grant to the Feeding el Pueblo fund to address food insecurity in the Highline community of South King County.
Earlier this year, Seattle Pride announced a special round of grantmaking totaling an additional $25,000 to organizations providing direct COVID-19-related services, including El Centro de la Raza, Entre Hermanos, FEEST, Ingersoll Gender Center, PFLAG, COVID-19 Relief Fund for Undocumented People, UTOPIA Seattle and Ventures.
Is your organization looking for funds to support the LGBTQIA+ community?
Our next grant cycle opens on October 1st!
Click here to learn more.