
Gender Marker Changes: Resource for our Transgender Community

Oct 09, 2020 | Seattle Pride

There are so many hoops to jump through for our trans and gender non-conforming community. Here’s a head start on some of the main departments where you may need to amend documentation: Birth Certificates, Driver License, Passport, and Social Security Records.

Tips from your Seattle Pride family:

  1. Make sure you have all of the correct documentation completed before submitting it. Some requirements may look similar but may be slightly different.
  2. If you’re planning to go in-person, verify hours and locations before you go, especially during COVID-19.
  3. Give ample time for the documentation to be returned to you. It typically takes a long time, plus COVID has added longer wait times. Turn around for completed documentation can take anywhere from a few weeks to 6 months or more.
  4. Advocate for yourself. It’s likely you’ll deal with someone who doesn’t know the requirements to amend gender markers. Don’t feel bad. It’s literally their job to know how to help you. If they can’t help, ask for someone who can. You’re their job.
  5. Congratulations! We love you and are so happy you’re making steps to be YOU!


Washington State Department of Health

Washington State gender options (as of Oct 2020): Female, Male, or X (not exclusively male or female)

  1. Complete the Form 422-143: Sex Designation Change:
    1. Adults: complete Form 422-143: Sex Designation Change (adults)
      Minors: complete Form 422-144: Sex Designation Change (minors)
    2. Adults: Sign the form in presence of a Notary Public (find a Notary)
      Minors: healthcare or mental healthcare provider must sign off on the request
    3. Adults: Provide legal name change court order if applicable (name change info for Washington State or King County)
      Minors: Submit Affidavit for Correction with consent of all listed parents to amend name on birth certificate; or provide legal name change court order if minor’s name has already been legally changed on birth certificate
  2. Submit Application:
    • Option 1: in person (Tumwater, WA location on form)
    • Option 2: by mail (Olympia, WA location on form)

Cost: It’s free to amend a birth certificate in Washington State.
Certified copies are $20 each.

For help:


Department of Licensing

Washington State gender options (as of Oct 2020): Female, Male, or X (not exclusively male or female)

  1. Complete the Change of Gender Designation form
  2. Submit Application

Cost: If you already have a Driver License in Washington State, it’s free to amend your gender and receive a new license. If you are amending any other information (name, address, etc) you’ll need to pay the fees.

For help:

  • Phone: 1-360-902-3900 / TTY: 711 for WA Relay Service
  • Website:


Department of State

US Federal gender options (as of Oct 2020): Female or Male

  1. Complete Form DS-11, and submit the following
    • Current photo ID reflecting your true identity
    • Current passport photo reflecting your true identity
    • Medical Certification indicating appropriate clinical treatment or currently transitioning
    • Proof of legal name change
  2. Submit Application

Cost: Please see the Passport Fees page to calculate fees. New Passport books are $110; new Passport Cards are $30.

For help:


Social Security Administration

US Federal gender options (as of Oct 2020): Female or Male

  1. Gather identity documents:
    1. identity
    2. gender
    3. US citizenship/immigration status
  2. Complete Application for Social Security Card
  3. Submit Application

Cost: Social Security cards are free.

For help: