Pride Month Events to Go Virtual, Again
Jan 27, 2021 | Seattle Pride
As the COVID-19 pandemic response continues to restrict large public gatherings, Seattle Pride will once again shift its annual LGBTQIA+ Pride Month events – Seattle Pride in the Park and Seattle Pride Parade – to a jam-packed virtual weekend (June 26 & 27) of speakers, performances and more.
“With the pandemic still spreading at a rapid pace, we could not in good conscience move forward with plans for our June events which bring thousands of people together in close proximity,” said Seattle Pride Executive Director Krystal Marx. “Our efforts now shift to building on the success of last year’s virtual Pride, so we can continue to bring our community together to celebrate diversity.”
Submit Ideas for Virtual Pride Theme
Details of Seattle Pride’s plans for June are in development, but are expected to be announced within a couple months. In the meantime, per tradition, Seattle Pride is once again calling on the public to submit suggestions for this year’s Pride event theme. To submit a theme idea, visit the submission form HERE.
Seattle Pride & Other Groups Hopeful for Small, In-person Celebrations Later this Year
Despite the lingering pandemic-related challenges, Seattle Pride and other LGBTQIA+ groups – including PrideFest (organizers of PrideFest at Seattle Center) and Gender Justice League (organizers of TransPride) remain hopeful about the possibility of hosting smaller-scale, in-person events incorporating public health protocols in late summer or early fall, as the organizations closely monitor guideline updates and confer with local health officials in making that determination later this year.
No matter the size or scale of any in-person events later in the year, Seattle Pride is optimistic about the return of its Seattle Pride in the Park and Seattle Pride Parade events next year, as it moves forward with planning this year’s virtual Pride celebration – which last year averaged more than 3,300 online participants each day.
Thanks for your Support
Seattle Pride is grateful for the generous support from presenting partners Alaska Airlines, Facebook and T-Mobile, and from Seattle Pride’s Official TV Partner, KIRO 7, as well as many other community partners which make Pride Month events possible.
For information on how to help support this year’s events, contact sponsorship@seattlepride.org.