Vote with Pride Events Coming to Bellevue & Burien
Oct 06, 2020 | Seattle Pride
It’s official, our Vote with Pride voter registration and voter participation campaign is a hit – registering three new voters and distributing more than 60 campaign yard signs, window signs and campaign stickers on our first day. Now we’re headed to Bellevue and Burien!
“Given the huge response we saw in just our first weekend, plus the calls we’ve received from people outside of Seattle requesting Vote with Pride signs, we’ve decided to expand our presence to two additional pop-up locations – one in Bellevue and the other in Burien – beginning next Sunday,” says Seattle Pride Board President Alex Ruble.
During one of the most important times in recent history to be civically engaged, Seattle Pride volunteers will be at three area locations registering voters (currently 1 in 5 LGBTQIA+ adults is not registered to vote), offering U.S. Census forms, distributing the Vote with Pride campaign materials plus FREE rainbow colored drawstring “Pride Packs” provided in partnership with promotional partner MOViN 92.5 and morning personality Brooke Fox, while supplies last.
Show your pride by stopping by any of our campaign booths between noon and 4 p.m. on Sundays through Election Day at these convenient locations:
- Bellevue (Bellevue Downtown Park, corner of N.E. 1st Street & 102nd Avenue N.E.)
- Burien (North side of the Burien Library near the parking lot, 400 S.W. 152nd Street)
- Seattle (Seattle Central College, corner of Broadway & Pine)
Our friends at Seattle Unite have also developed and made available a digital toolkit of materials designed to encourage U.S. Census and voter participation with its media campaign dubbed the “Democracy Cup.”
The events will observe all COVID-19 safety protocols, and signs will direct you to a drive-up, contact-free option for those of you who wish to drive into a reserved section of the street and simply pop your trunk so our volunteers can distribute the signs without having to leave the comfort and safety of your vehicle.
Seattle Pride plans to distribute 1,000 signs throughout the five weeks of the campaign. “With these campaign signs we want our LGBTQIA+ citizens to be able to demonstrate their pride, and to have our neighbors take notice that collectively we are a sizable voting contingent,” said Ruble.
“It’s an especially important time for the LGBTQIA+ community, BIPOC communities and others who have experienced a history of oppression and marginalization to mobilize and take action,” added Ruble. “It’s why we are launching Vote with Pride, because all too often we find that our basic human rights are under attack, and we can’t afford to sit back and let others decide our rights for us.”
If you have not yet registered, and not able to join us in person, please register here online. Online and mail registrations must be receive by Oct. 28th to be eligible to vote in this election.
Throughout the five weeks of the Vote with Pride campaign, you’re invited to submit your election-related efforts online at www.SeattlePride.org for a chance to win pair of Alaska Airlines tickets to be awarded each week, plus a grand prize which also includes a Fjällräven Kånken Rainbow Pack, $100 Nordstrom gift card, and more.
To enter, people simply complete actions within three categories – voter education, get out the vote, and advocacy. Each question, or task, will be worth points – the more points you accumulate during the week, the more times you are entered into the week’s prize drawing to be announced at the end of the campaign.