All Together Now for Seattle Pride’s In-Person Fall Event, Oct. 9th
May 18, 2021 | Seattle Pride
One of the clear takeaways of living through a global pandemic is the importance of community and social interaction -- and after more than a year spent physically apart, Seattle’s LGBTQIA+ community is eager to safely come together in person again.
With the theme All Together Now, Seattle Pride is planning a fall reunion to remember -- and while it will be of smaller scale than a parade or festival, it will provide a much-needed boost of queer solidarity and energy following the recent announcement that the state will be lifting its COVID-19 restrictions by June 30 in accordance with CDC guidelines, and that group gatherings without face masks and physical distancing would once again be allowed.
The celebration -- to take place in Volunteer Park on October 9th -- is being planned as a nod to our annual Pride in the Park featuring a wide variety of activities, performances and more. The weekend festivities will be in adherence to public health protocols, with details to be announced later this summer.
“The pandemic has really taken its toll on our community, and we didn’t want another year to pass before we all come together in person,” said Seattle Pride Executive Director Krystal Marx.
My Coming Out Story
In recognition of National Coming Out Day -- taking place the following Monday, Oct. 11 -- the in-person event will also invite participants to reflect on their coming out stories at a My Coming Out Story video booth, hosted by Seattle Pride in partnership with our radio partners, C89.5.
The surely powerful coming out video testimonials will be treated with sensitivity and the respect they deserve, and will be compiled for a Seattle Pride YouTube channel release on Coming Out Day to generate empathy, create new advocates -- and inspire others to come out.