Seattle Out & Proud Awards $25,000 in Emergency Funds to Seattle Organizations Supporting Vulnerable Populations Impacted by COVID-19 Pandemic
Apr 16, 2020 | Seattle Pride
Seven Seattle area groups will share $25,000 in emergency funds awarded by Seattle Out & Proud (also known as “Seattle Pride”) to assist organizations in the region providing on-the-ground COVID-19 support services for those who are immunocompromised and other highly vulnerable populations.
“We know that LGBTQIA+ and undocumented communities are more likely to work in jobs in highly affected industries, often with more exposure or higher economic sensitivity to the COVID-19 crisis,” said Seattle Pride Executive Director Krystal Marx. “Our community knows firsthand the importance of compassion and standing together, which are at the core of these emergency fund grants and the great work of the recipient organizations.”
Seattle Pride announced the following organizations will be receiving grants:
- El Centro de la Raza ($5,000) – Supporting programs aiding recently laid-off hourly workers, elderly, disabled and immunocompromised.
- Entre Hermanos ($5,000) – Supporting mental health concerns and personal needs (including medications) for the unemployed, undocumented and immunocompromised.
- FEEST ($5,000) – Supporting food insecurity with families.
- Ingersoll Gender Center ($500) – Supporting trans and gender diverse emergency aid.
- PFLAG ($500) – Supporting continuation of support meetings through purchase of video conferencing solutions.
- COVID-19 Relief Fund for Undocumented People ($5,000) – Supporting rent expenses for undocumented communities.
- UTOPIA Seattle ($2,000) – Support the distribution of health and sanitation supplies, food and basic needs (including gasoline, rent, utilities and other essentials), as well as COVID-19 information in various languages.
- Ventures ($2,000) – Supporting microbusinesses whose sales relied on in-person events (i.e. farmer’s markets) or foot traffic-related sales, severely impacted by the COVID-19 crisis, including the launch of a new online retail store.
“I’m so proud of the diversity of organizations and grassroots efforts that our grant program is supporting in this time of community need,” added Marx. “Our community has many faces, and we’re all in this together.”
Each year Seattle Pride awards grants to charitable organizations which support the local LGBTQIA+ community. This year the organization plans to award $75,000 in grants, totaling nearly $120,000 since 2017.