Out, In, or Questioning, There Are Reasons to be Thankful this Thanksgiving
Nov 19, 2021 | Seattle Pride
A time that should be about coming together to celebrate food, family, and friends, can be a time riddled in abuse and anxiety for many in of our community. This holiday, let us be reminded about some things we can be thankful for.
If you’re out:
- You’re out and proud. You took the big step! Whether it was days, months, or years ago, you overcame what could be one of the biggest challenges in your life. For some, coming out is harder than for others, but all can share the relief they now have. Be thankful that you’re still here, and remind yourself that if you can overcome the stress and anxiety of coming out, you can do anything.
- You have support. You are not alone in this world, and you have a big Seattle Pride community who loves you. Thanksgiving and the following holidays can be a time when acceptance can be either reinforced or weakened. It’s important to reassure yourself that there will always be people who love and support you, even if you don’t know them.
- You have help. Our community grows, and so do our resources. Seattle is now more than 10 percent LGBTQIA+, and with that comes the support and resources which match our values. Our city is home to several great resources for people in the LGBTQIA+ community. Outside of Seattle, our community sees more growth in the celebrity spotlight. Each year we are seeing more and more famous names come out to the public.
- You’re an ally. Now that you’re out, you can help others around you. Whether it’s helping someone come out, or changing someone’s mind about our community, you now have the power to advocate for our community on a more personal level.
If you are closeted and/or questioning:
- There is nothing wrong with you. As a closeted person there are a lot of challenges that come with questioning your sexuality or identity. The holidays can stir up a lot of doubts for people who aren’t out yet. It’s okay to have doubts and questions, but there is nothing wrong with that. Remind yourself that what you’re feeling is okay and be thankful that you even have the courage to question.
- Your process is your own. You have the right to control and decide when or if you come out. Be thankful you have come this far and look forward to the future. Coming out isn’t always a quick and easy process, but at least you get to decide for yourself.
- You are not alone. Remember that even though this may feel like the one of the most isolating times of your life, you aren’t the only one. Everyone who’s out once felt the way you feel, and everyone closeted feels the way you feel. Your feelings are okay, and if you have the courage to ask, you can find help.
In, out, or questioning, the LGBTQIA+ community gives us so much we can be thankful for. This year, whether you celebrate Thanksgiving or not, be sure to take a moment and consider what you have to be thankful for.